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This entire website is copyrighted ​© 2008-2024 John D. Blue



 A splash guard that fits onto any toothbrush.

Especially for children. Hygeeny™ keeps the toothbrush bristles propped up in the air thereby staying clean by NOT touching the sink counter top.


My daughter Jill, when she was 18.


The tablet that replaces toothpaste. It contains all of the same ingredients that toothpaste does, but in powder form.

Page 101

My 1st 3 Inventions

Total sales were over $250,000.00

Earr-Backs® <aka> Grabb-Backs® <aka> Snugg-Backs®

This is my 1st invention, back in 1985.

 My daughter and her friends were always losing the backing on their Pierced EarRings. I created, manufactured and sold a backing that did NOT fall off.

Nothing but positive results.

↓ See the original flyer below. ↓