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This entire website is copyrighted ​© 2008-2024 John D. Blue 


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Welcome to

  ​ CannaApp™ & CannaCard



CannaApp™ is a pending trademark in class #09 for a computer program for downloading a software app program which allows the consumer to make purchases at any POS (Point Of Sale) for all products and services including the Recreational / Medical Marijuana

and Industrial Hemp businesses in states where it has been legalized. 


 Click on the appropriate link below and

follow the downloading instructions:

​ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cannacard-mobile-payments/id1636627434​






The brand name CannaApp™ is co-owned by John D. Blue & CFC Properties, Inc., a  Nevada company. CannaTrac® Technology, Inc. is the parent company of CFC Properties, Inc.

For further information about CannaApp™ please contact

John D.Blue

(813) 838-67437 / johndblue@yahoo.com

© 2023-2024 Copyrighted John D. Blue



Medical and pharmacy insurance benefit management services, namely, managing benefits

to monitor cannabis-medical participation and

permit patient access to lower-cost medical-cannabis products through partner pharmacies and proper licensed dispensaries.


 Cost Management of benefits to permit patient access to lower cost medical cannabis products through partner pharmacies and proper licensed dispensaries. 
For further information about 
CannaCard™ services please contact
John D.Blue
(813) 838-67437 / johndblue@yahoo.com
© 2023-2024 Copyrighted John D. Blue